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Cybernetics And Systems Analysis
International Theoretical Science Journal
Editorial Board Announcements


Dear authors and readers,

Please, be informed that the Editorial Board appreciates greatly your subscription on 2024 (visit "Subscriptions" page for details)


"Cybernetics and Systems Analysis" (English translation of "Kibernetyka ta systemnyi analiz") is now indexed by Web of Science with impact-factor 0.5.


The publications of the journal "Kibernetyka ta systemnyi analiz" (ISSN 1019-5262) are included in the Library of EBSCO Publishing, Inc.


The journal "Cybernetics and Systems Analysis" (English translation of "Kibernetika i sistemnyi analiz") is now indexed in ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) of Web of Science.


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Full text articles from Russian version are available now on the site of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.
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