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Cybernetics And Systems Analysis
International Theoretical Science Journal
UDC 519.64+519.86:53.072
V.N. Starkov1, P.M. Tomchuk2

1 Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

2 Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. The paper considers two variants of problems that arise in the development of optical computers. The first variant is related to the mathematical analysis of optical bistability in case of multibeam intereaction of laser radiation in nonlinear media. The presence of this phenomenon follows from the solution of the boundary-value problem for a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. In the general case of an arbitrary nonstationary process, the problem reduces to solving a system of two nonlinear integral equations with respect to complex amplitudes describing interference patterns. The other region of our study concerns absorption and scattering of light by nanomaterials. As the result, a multidimensional integral equation with respect to the complex amplitude of electric field was derived. A very important property of this equation is its singularity inside the nanoparticle.

Keywords: bistability, optical computer, mathematical model, laser interaction, integral equation.



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