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Cybernetics And Systems Analysis
International Theoretical Science Journal
UDC 519.85

Modeling densely packed systems of three-dimensional objects

The paper represents the concept of Ф-functions and quasi Ф-functions as an efficient tool for mathematical modeling of three-dimensional packing problems for convex geometrical objects with continuous translations and rotations. A mathematical model of packing convex geometrical objects is formulated and its basic properties are considered. A method is proposed to solve it, which includes the following stages: construction of starting points, computation of local extrema, and a jump from one local minimum to another. The computating experiments have shown that the solution approach is efficient to solve optimization packing problems. Numerical examples are given. Fig.: 1. Refs: 15 titles.


packing, mathematical modeling, optimization, quasi Φ-function, convex three-dimensional objects, translation, rotation.


About author(s):

Стоян Юрий Григорьевич, чл.-кор. НАН Украины, доктор техн. наук, профессор, заведующий отделом Института проблем машиностроения им. А.Н. Подгорного НАН Украины, Харьков,

Сёмкин Владимир Владимирович, аспирант Института проблем машиностроения им. А.Н. Подгорного НАН Украины, Харьков,

Чугай Андрей Михайлович, кандидат техн. наук, старший начный сотрудник Института проблем машиностроения им. А.Н. Подгорного НАН Украины, Харьков,

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