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Cybernetics And Systems Analysis
International Theoretical Science Journal
UDC 519.17
O.V. Kryvtsun1

1 Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine


Abstract. In the paper, the properties of fragmentary structures are investigated and relation between fragmentary structures and marked acyclic oriented graphs with one source is established, also the correspondence of isomorphic fragmentary structure classes with unmarked acyclic oriented graphs of certain type, which are called feasible graphs, is established. The notion of the dimension of a feasible graph and its corresponding isomorphic fragmentary structures is defined. An expression for the lower-bound estimate of the dimension is obtained. A theorem on the properties of feasible graphs is proved. The number of fragmentary structures and classes of isomorphic fragmentary structures of small dimensions is calculated.

Keywords: fragmentary structure, partially ordered set, DAG, hypercube.



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