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Cybernetics And Systems Analysis
International Theoretical Science Journal
UDC 681.5+513.6+517.9
V.P. Kharchenko1, N.M. Glazunov2

1 National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

2 National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. New results are presented and a brief review of new methods and results of the theory of dynamic systems on manifolds over local fields and formal groups over local rings is given. For the analysis of n-dimensional manifolds and their dynamics, dynamic systems on such manifolds, formal structures are used, in particular, n-dimensional formal groups. Infinitesimal deformations are presented in terms of formal groups. The well-known one-dimensional case extends, and n-dimensional (n ≥1) analytic mappings of an open p-adic polydisc (n-disk) Dpn are considered. We introduce and investigate the n-dimensional analogs of modules arising in formal and non-Archimedean dynamic structures. Attention is drawn to rigid structures, objects and methods. From the point of view of system analysis, new, namely, formal and non-Archimedean, faces and structures of systems, maps and iterations of mappings between these faces and structures are introduced and investigated.

Keywords: formal group, local ring, commutative formal group scheme, deformation, formal module, dynamic system, module of differentials.



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