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Cybernetics And Systems Analysis
International Theoretical Science Journal
UDC 681.322
N.Y. Vozna1, Y.M. Nykolaychuk2, O.I. Volynskyi3

1 Ternopil National Economic University, Ternopil, Ukraine

2 Ternopil National Economic University, Ternopil, Ukraine

3 Ternopil National Economic University, Ternopil, Ukraine


Abstract. The relevance of the development of theoretical foundations, methods and algorithms for encoding color image pixels by the problem-oriented multifunctional data structuring and the representation of color image code pixels in Rademacher, Krestenson, Rademacher–Krestenson, Haar–Krestenson, and Galois systems is substantiated in this paper. The purpose of the research is to increase the efficiency of the algorithms for digital image transforms, processing and recognition using modular arithmetics with residue number system on the basis of mathematics of arithmetic operations of a non-positional residue number system.

Keywords: algorithms, cryptic protection, color images, theoretical and numerical bases.



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  11. Nykolaychuk Ya.M. Galois Field Codes: Theory and Application (in Ukrainian). Ternopil: Terno-graf LLC, 2012. 576 p.

  12. Nykolaychuk Ya., Volynskyy O., Borovyi A. Rademacher–Krestenson’s method of between-bases transformations in designing processors. Proc. IEEE 6th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, IDAACS 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, September 15–17, 2011. Vol. 1. Р. 310–314.

  13. Nykolaychuk Ya.M., Pikh V.Ya., Zavadiuk T.O., Vozna N.Ya. Methods of spectral cosine Fourier transform for recognition of signals in the Chemming space on the basis of various correlation functions and theoretically numerical bases. Bulletin of the National University "Lʹvivsʹka politekhnika»". Computer Systems and Networks. 2013. No. 773. P. 89–98.

  14. Krilikovsky B.B., Vozna N.Ya., Nykolaichuk Y.M. Theoretical bases and criteria for evaluating the structural complexity of computing components of multi-bit arithmetic processors. Abstracts of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference of Scientists. Rivne: NUVGP, 2014. P. 65–67.

  15. Vozna N.Ya., Nykolaychuk Ya.M., Shyrmovska N.G. Method of formation of structured data of quasi-stationary objects on the basis of the system of calculating the remaining classes of the Krestenson basis. Rozvidka ta Rozrobka Naftovykh i Hazovykh Rodovyshch. 2011. No. 3 (40). P. 62–65.

  16. Nykolaychuk Ya.M., Kasianchuk M.M., Yakymenko I.Z. Theoretical foundations for the analytical computation of coefficients of basic numbers of Krestenson’s transformation. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis. 2014. Vol. 50, N 5. P. 649–654.

  17. Nykolaychuk Ya.M., Kasianchuk M.M., Yakymenko I.Z. Theoretical foundations of the modified perfect form of residue number system. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis. 2016. Vol. 52, N 2. P. 219–223.

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  19. Nykolaychuk Ya.N., Vozna N.Ya., Krulikovsky B.B., Pikh V.Ya. Method of structuring discrete cosine Fourier transform in modular arithmetic of the Haar–Chrestenson number-theoretic basis. Kibernetika i Sistemnyj Analiz. 2018. Vol. 54, No. 3. P. 178–188.

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