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Cybernetics And Systems Analysis
International Theoretical Science Journal
UDC 519.816
M.M. Potomkin1, O.V. Dublian2, R.B. Khomchak3

1 Central Scientific and Research Institute of the Armed Forces
of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

2 Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

3 Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. The paper describes a decision-making support system for solving multi-criteria problems during the analysis of complex systems, in the case where a finite set of alternatives whose characteristics are given in tabular form is considered. It is based on the analysis of the phasing of such studies whose results determine the requirements for the types of problems to be solved with its use and the list of methods that are expedient to implement The considered decision-making support system is designed to solve problems under certainty, as well as stochastic and non-stochastic uncertainty. In accordance with the main stages of the analysis of complex systems, it implements a number of multi-criteria methods that allow to assess relationships between the factors associated with its operation, determine the importance of the indicators that characterize it, generate a priority series of the considered alternatives, or form the kernel of alternatives that are promising for further research.

Keywords: alternative, multi-criteria decision making, kernel generation method, ranking method.



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