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Cybernetics And Systems Analysis
International Theoretical Science Journal
UDC 519.572
I.N. Kovalenko


Abstract. L. Lakatos introduced a queuing system in which the waiting time V of a customer is increased up to a value multiple of T. The model is motivated by a problem occurred in aviation. Indeed, T is just the aircraft round time of the emergency circle as soon as the runway is occupied. In the presented paper, a queuing system is considered in which V is increased up to the time T1x+T2y, where T1 and T2 are constant time intervals (round times of two emergency circles) whereas x and y are V-dependent integers (numbers of rounds). An ergodic theorem is proved for a proper embedded Markov chain. An algorithm is given to compute x and y given V.

Keywords: queuing systems, retrial systems, Lakatos systems, aircraft landing.


Коваленко Игорь Николаевич,,
доктор техн. наук, доктор физ.-мат. наук, академик НАН Украины, заведующий отделом Института кибернетики им. В.М. Глушкова НАН Украины, Киев,

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