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Cybernetics And Systems Analysis
International Theoretical Science Journal
UDC 519.6
N.V. Mayko1

1 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. A boundary-value problem (BVP) for an abstract differential equation with an operator coefficient in the Hilbert space is investigated. The exact solution is presented as an infinite series by means of the Cayley transform of the operator coefficient A and the Meixner type polynomials in the independent variable x. The approximate solution is given by the truncated sum of that series with N summands. The error estimates (with the weight function) depending not only on the discretization parameter N but also on the distance of the point x to the boundary of the interval are proven. They demonstrate that our algorithm has the super-exponential rate of convergence.

Keywords: boundary-value problem (BVP), Hilbert space, operator coefficient, Cayley transform, weighted estimates, super-exponentially convergent algorithm.



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  11. Makarov V.L., Mayko N.V. The boundary effect in the accuracy estimate for the grid solution of the fractional differential equation. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics.Vol. 19, Iss. 2. P. 379–394.

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  13. Gavrilyuk I.P., Makarov V.L, Mayko N.V. Weighted estimates of the Cayley transform method for abstract differential equations. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics. (To appear.)

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